We already use Intuitive Shipping for our shipping calculations on Shopify and find it to works quite well. The key thing for us is to ensure the pick & pack process in our warehouse is done as efficiently as possible and with as few errors as possible. I think Starshipit has most of the features built-in. For us, it’s more about the user flow and speed. We want to avoid using a mouse as much as possible, as it really slows things down. From the main shipments summary screen, we want to be able to scan the pick list and have it jump right into the order. Then, we can scan the barcode printed on the box from the supplier and start scanning the items into the box as we pack them. If there is an error when scanning the wrong product, the error should be shown in the middle of the screen and stop the packer from proceeding. The error should explain if the barcode is recognised but the product is incorrect for this order or if the barcode is unknown. We ship a number of multi-box shipments. Within the UX, showing which items have been scanned into each box is ideal. If you could create your own version of how ShipHero shows this to the packer, I think you would find a number of users who would also find this extra helpful. Please let me know if you would like further feedback or details. It seems like a great opportunity for someone to build out a next-level Packing Validation tool.