We are now integrated with
!! Wix eCommerce platform customers are now able to import order directly from Wix to Starshipit Platform. To enable Wix; go to 'Integrations' option in settings section and select 'Add a new integration' and then select 'Wix' from the list.

To enable; please follow the below steps:
- Tick the 'Enabled' checkbox
- Enter your Store URL, i.e. the website URL of your Wix store
- Enter the Store name (Note: Store Name is optional field)
- Click on the Authorizebutton
This action will redirect you to Wix website to confirm your Wix login and to add permission to allow Starshipit to read your order transactions. On completion; it will redirect you back to Starshipit app.
- Specify the order status you want import as shown below

Click on the
button to save your settings and add Wix to your integration list.