SMS | ability to buy credits for child accounts at parent level
Georgia Kirkham
Currently, you can only purchase SMS credits for child accounts at each child account level. Want the ability to purchase SMS credits at the parent account that apply to all or selected child accounts. If you have many child accounts, purchasing SMS credits at each child account level can be very time consuming.
SMS messages are best suited for same day / on demand shipping / ship from store delivery tracking notifications - which usually requires a parent / child account set up.
We've made a shift in our SMS support by allowing you to know hold your own SMS account and integrate it with Starshipit. This will not only mean you can have all your Starshipit accounts using one SMS account (meaning one place to manage billing) but also get other great features like more visibility into SMS sent and save up to 50% per SMS sent. To learn how to get set up, check here:
We will be discontinuing support for Starshipit sending SMS so recommend all customers sign up and migrate.